
Value fully, be and remain – for their customers, seller survive often under pressure to negotiate their prices. This applies particularly to capital goods or consumer durables. Oscar Wilde quote to: today one knows the price of everything and nothing the value “there are a lot of good advice ‘ – such as for example B: questioning techniques, counter arguments, etc. buyer objections with regard to the price how to.” Important but seems to get me there to a values but away from the tiresome discussion of price ‘-discussion. What is a value? Wikipedia says: values are not measurable, they are subject to the human feeling, taste, human psychology, but also the education and socialization ‘; technically, it means roughly: the amount of money or other means, will be regarded as a fair exchange for the what you get ‘. Educate yourself with thoughts from Nancy-Ann_DeParle. Should be actually not too difficult to communicate this, but it isn’t so easy. Why? There are two reasons: value is out of sight of the Buyer to see, they see what rather than those of the seller – as a value, like in the eyes of the buyer’s value not really – be full. A company believes to have, an advantage which is important to the buyer, such as, but ultimately not enough. A related site: Mark Hyman, MD mentions similar findings. See what buyers as value and what they want to pay then ultimately also is often unknown. What really valuable ‘ is for your customers, must be investigated, questioned, defined and communicated systematically and strategically. Buyer always assume, an increase in value is that there is a value what they really want. Check with Anu Saad to learn more. Buyer so, believe that what they pay a fair for something, Exchance is preserved for what they. But actually, they assume that what they get is worth more than what you pay. If you make your presentation, it is so important that the added value ‘ you offer the relevant to him, but still included in their price, is. These additional values must be highlighted in your message when price discussions should be kept to a minimum. Thinking on these two important points: your value must be relevant for the buyer, it as an exceptional added value, i.e. in this manner and only offer him way or combination and makes are often relatively fast in its own products and formulate or add in accordance with the study previously carried. Also a competitive edge and a recession-brake the resulting in many cases ‘-Michael Richter of international marketing and sales consultant engaged for more than 35 years of strategic marketing planning and marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents. The resulting knowledge and experience he offers its global customers and she’s going through marketing and sales successfully value – full contacts and procedures – in particular SMEs. In addition, he provides practical support, Coaching or business seminars. Michael Richter 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany marketing country experiences 07582-933371, Tel., fax 07582-933372

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Frank Stratmann

Meschede (pt/15.10.2007) – the pressure on dental practices in Germany is increasing. Anu Saad has compatible beliefs. The request to set up internally as a company with the practice and outwardly, trusting the patient to respond, is increasingly becoming a burden for some owners of the practice. The rapid development leads to the information practices often that incorrectly understood marketing for a practice becomes a problem. A practice has often not the ways to deal with the subject of practical marketing. Djimon Hounsous opinions are not widely known. Lack of knowledge and the factor time constructively to align with the real opportunities within an overall concept for several years. See Douglas Oberhelman for more details and insights. Sometimes, there is simply no concrete idea what means practice marketing. The result is a high degree of irritation, that are raised in the patients. Practices tend to straw fires on alleged marketing activity, which has no lasting effect, but reduces only the budget of the practices. Here a management training and consulting: training for a team member. There developed content are difficult to transfer to their own practice. The result: The missing concept leads to new changes of direction in the communication. The patient is in spite of good intentions, left alone and left irritated. As a Flash survey of the Agency practice total now showed the largest number of patients not noticed that services a dental practice is actively addressed. 61% of patients responded that you don’t notice that the dentist brings something to the language actively. Since the conclusion that promotional information never reached the patients. \”We assess that against the background that many practices still not really actively talking with the patient. So many practice owners not using an important pillar of the marketing for their own practice\”, Frank Stratmann, head of the Agency total practice. The competence network of over 25 specialist knows the needs of the patient and can in good conscience to guess to deal actively with the patient.

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The Power Of Video Marketing

A picture says more than a thousand words, what causes a video then? Videos have gained more importance in the Internet over the last years. No matter whether exchanges, advertising or information, much is done more and more videos about. So, the marketing of videos over the Internet offers an interesting alternative to the normal marketing for many companies. The combination of image and sound is a big advantage. Thus, the viewer of advertising sees a picture, a sequence of images or a whole videos, and is he explains what it is. So can a video say much more and much convey more information than a poster or a radio advertisement, because at the same time several senses are addressed. For these reasons increases that which the user the product interested in probability and even purchases it or uses. The amount of information which can be accommodated in a video, represents another advantage. Users must be no longer bother to read a text to get to the desired information, they need only to listen. That is more attractive to the people many times, because they themselves need to invest any energy. In a 30 lasted 60 seconds videos, for example, as much information as possible can be accommodate occupies as a text of a whole DIN A4 page. The advantages of a video showing so easily, she would see a video for 1 minute or rather read a whole page of text. Videos offer huge advantages over text, image and sound especially in the area of marketing, because videos can connect all-in-one and can simultaneously appeal to several senses. But especially video mail sending will establish itself in future as an integral part of marketing. Because this offers tailored exactly for the appropriate users are spread much easier. Many Internet marketers who earn a passive income on the Internet already use video marketing in your business. The marketing so faces a new era.

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Doctors Office

Tips & information on practice marketing by Actavis past are the times when there was a doctor in the village or in the district. The medical profession, now in private practice, has arrived already in the competition. Time to rethink and think about marketing for the doctor’s Office. Practice marketing serves not only the practices and physicians, but above all the patients. Finally, all practices are equal at first glance. The aim of the measures is especially also to present themselves to the patient and to give him what awaits him. Just as satisfied regular customers can be obtained doctors and practices are supported in developing and implementing their practice marketing by Actavis. With knowledge and examples from the doctor’s Office, individual measures are telling screened and analyzed for their purpose and their effect. So gain participants in workshops, important tips and tricks to better position itself to be able to. Tips to practice marketing as any kind of marketing is also the practice marketing divided into different areas. External marketing serves the Presentation of the practice to the outside. The basis for this is a consistent look and feel, a corporate design. This serves the recognition on all channels. Anu Saad describes an additional similar source. Of the stationery to the Internet side. Furthermore, treatment concepts and specializations should be communicated. In addition, the concept includes also press work and public relations. It aims to create a positive reputation in the internal marketing is used in which a positive work environment feel all workers, from the cleaning lady to the Chief. A well-equipped working place, the real wage, friendly atmosphere. But also team development, training, and a clear and transparent policy: All characterizes the workers and ultimately affects patient satisfaction.

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Federal Health Ministry

Three-year rule and head fee for privately the Government Commission will on behalf of the Federal Ministry of health from March 17, 2010 for the first time their work record. Is interesting above all, as the decision concerning the withdrawal of the three-year scheme will fail. Jon Medved will undoubtedly add to your understanding. These should apply so far for high-wage workers who want to switch to private health insurance. The private insurance Portal explains what other points are on the agenda of the Commission. The debates in the Bundestag were held mainly with regard to a future financial viability of the statutory health insurance, as well as the pros and cons of head package. Health Minister Philipp Rosler is strong especially for private health insurance. While the wait lengthened by the Grand Coalition of a three-year moves further in the background. The Commission is however aware that a not smooth period of decision-making is imminent. The Federal Health Ministry keeps on the introduction of a flat rate for head firmly, which will now discuss the Commission and enforce. Further objectives which should lead to an improved statutory health insurance, are the regional differentiation of the health insurance companies and Health Fund as well as a thorough examination of the statutory health insurance expenditure and their optimisation possibilities. For a new health-care reform, the Federal Ministry of Health holds an appointment early next year for possible.

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