Gorleben Committee

For trash the conservation of mass applies to returns after some time abroad (more distant) to Germany, you realize that there hardly is one very soon: garbage. The prejudice is indeed, Germany is a clean country in his veracity by the hand. At least the physical waste seems largely disappeared from the public sphere. The small landfill sites which were – we still remember – to see it 20, 25 years ago in this country on every corner and in every Park, are no longer visible for the most part. Detractors might say that you need a diploma for disposal of waste at home – how many tons do so outside the door? Also applies to waste the mass conservation law now is a truism that just because you can’t see something – in this case this still long “away” is the garbage that human “progress” so brings -. In this respect also our planet is a (nearly) a closed system and is known in these the set of the conservation of mass. You can see what that means, not only in the many ditches, it is also on a larger scale. Because you looking more closely, so applies in matters of waste disposal often just the bird ostrich principle; “out of sight, out of mind”. The amounts of space junk, now orbiting the planet, it seems only a matter of time until the first communications satellite is shot down by his own rocket. The groping approaches by the way, include the plan, these earthly rubbish to convert to interplanetarischem, say: to shoot him into space. Buried and forgotten back on the Earth approaches the Gorleben Committee of inquiry after two and a half years his end also a beautiful lesson in waste. At the same time, it is clear that the world still unresolved issue of the fate of nuclear waste is not only a question of the civilian use of nuclear fission. So we read these days, that in the Arctic Ocean, one of the main fishing grounds of the Earth, particularly unsightly garbage was sunk and is already a tangible problem. Because there three nuclear waffenstarrende, nuclear reactor-powered Russian submarines corrode cheerfully to himself. It will be not the only and must know what the sea everything else about garbage take we to sufficient. Remains of the garbage that we mass produce, though not see quality material: carbon dioxide, short CO2. Ceramic vs. nuclear waste just has the Federal Council rejected a Bill which provided for the capture and underground storage, this prosperity backlog. With this decision the so-called CCS method is (“Carbon Capture and Storage” disconnecting and storing CO2) but still far not off the table, already not worldwide. And here we are again. Buried and forgotten; We have not outgrown this literally stone age principle of waste disposal. But: Rotting bones, pottery and tools can in the archaeological museum – this does not apply to nuclear waste and CO2. Andreas Kellner…

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Darmstadt District Court

Animal husbandry abuses in the ‘circus Krone’ deal with the Munich City Council next Tuesday (the March 17, 2009) of the Munich City Council deals with the animal husbandry maladministration in the circus Krone. Dr. Evelyne Menges, Vice-President of action animal – tierrettung Munich, made a request as Councillor and welfare policy spokeswoman for the CSU group in Munich. The lawyer and committed animal rights activist would like to clarify which complaints the Kreisverwaltungsreferat at circus Krone is specifically stated. In February, the Darmstadt District Court sentenced the Director of the circus krone, Mrs Christel Sembach-Krone to a fine of Euro 1.000,00 for violating the animal protection law in two cases. “The Court saw it as proven, that the circus Krone” has violated during his tour in 2006 against the German animal protection law. It was also during the tour of the company in 2008 complaints of animal husbandry by the veterinary authorities. Dr. Evelyne Menges: A circus is already judicially convicted for violating the animal welfare act, then it must have consequences. In case of doubt, the unit must be used to the wild animals prohibited a circus and dissolved the affected livestock. The fascination of people on wild animals, makes man unnaturally submissive, as an elephant standing on your head or the ancient Romans understood leap of the Tiger through a flaming Hoop, as a popular amusement. These times should be but already past! The dignity of wild animals prohibits such humiliating performances for the amusement of the people, especially lions and elephants on photo safaris in natural surroundings in their home country can be admired, and can consequently be protected.” For animal rights are repeated at the circus Krone”identified shortcomings in animal husbandry a proof that a welfare of wild animals in the circus is generally not possible. So the animal protection associations, animal action request Munchen e. V., action animal tierrettung e.V. and animal public e.V. a legal ban on wild animal in the circus, as it already exists in other countries, such as Austria. More information at: Dr.

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Mexico Oil

After the oil prices in the wake of rising stock markets had risen recently, this development seems for the time being stopped. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) The crude oil price has slightly lost ground until the afternoon. The quotes lost around half a dollar to 74,50 dollars compared to daily output levels. Apparently, the momentum, the Ben Bernanke’s announcement has brought, has abated. “The Chairman of US Fed had communicated at the end of last week that the Bank in case of need with unconventional measures” would come up if the economy weakens further. Investors in the stock markets recorded positive which in turn, what drove the price of oil upwards. In addition, profit-taking continued to crude oil prices. There is no reliable evidence of an actually increased oil consumption, however. The relevant U.S. inventories are next to their all-time high. It arguably the current surveys will change little, which will be published in the coming two days. If the weather is likely “” Speculators, who put on rising oil prices, play into the hands: after the last week Hurricane Danielle “contrary to initial fears to any danger that oil production facility in the Gulf of Mexico, is now threatening with Earl” the next cyclone. About one-third of the US oil production capacity located in the region. Meanwhile the local price of heating oil rose as expected. The consumer had to pay 2.020,50 euros today for a shipment of 3,000 litres heating oil EL at the national average, 27.30 euros more than on the last trading day. The price for the 100-litre game increased to 91 cents to 67,35 Euro. Please visit Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala if you seek more information. The premiums were payable, after the crude oil price clearly went on Friday. Experts point out that consumers should fill up their tanks before they are under obligation to buy. Currently still moderate prices offered. The national average, and in the individual federal States show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices the graphics on the energy portal under the heading of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.

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