Best vitality-app launches shortly with a fireworks display of innovative highlights only a few days before the start of the best vitality app of the new millennium. WebSTAR mobile is started with the browser version 4 weeks ago and underwent an enthusiastic feedback from the users. From July, WebSTAR can be used as a small extra program on iPhones and Android phones. Finally Laura, the personal vitality coach, is on the road at any time and will support always exactly when help in terms of diet and exercise is needed. Highlight # 1: nutrition and fitness planning in real time with the WebSTAR 3-color system, developed by Uwe von Renteln, Olympic base workers and nutrition coach of German top athlete and world champion, the user simply selects what he can eat the meal.
The vitality app by WebSTAR, the user can immediately match what they ate and see how many calories or vital points to their optimal day values are missing. Highlight No. 2: integrated analysis and control tools including GPS tracking with the star of the Web app can be User determine his vitals even during training. With the integrated tools that capture all activities in real time and display, it is quick and easy. Immediately after the training the user sees exactly what effect his training has.
The personal way to more fitness, vitality and mental tranquillity can be followed always seamlessly. Highlight No. 3: remote learning in the mobile University with the extensive Tutorialangebot of the mobile Web star University has the user anytime and anywhere access to the most important vital topics. The WebSTAR mobile user must not wait until he is at home, he immediately receives the necessary support and answers to all his questions. Highlight No. 4: direct communication in the mobile community in the mobile community the user always knows, what his friends are going and can be replaced directly with them. So he is always immediately informed about exciting news and all status updates. WebSTAR mobile is always easy, effective and fun. Company Description Web star is one of the leading Vitalcoaching platforms on the Internet and provides a comprehensive and innovative vitality coaching all health-conscious people. More than 350,000 people already use the free offer of WebSTAR for more vitality and health in old age. Vitality coaching WebSTAR offers its users a holistic nutrition and training program, which was developed together with uve Renteln, the nutrition coach of German top athletes. The WebSTAR Vitalcoaching ranges from a comprehensive and individual nutrition and fitness planning including personal training plans and three-dimensional animated fitness exercises to an extensive selection of video and audio tutorials. Vitality community Web star combines the most modern and fastest way to communicate with the most important value that may exist between people: trust. The WebSTAR community interconnected all users and the community members can interact on the subject of fitness and health, communicate their experiences and recommendations, as well as invite friends or acquaintances. Vitality commerce in the future in the WebSTAR, there shopping world around the theme of vitality and lifestyle over 1 million articles of world top brands.