HOSPITAL LABORATORY In this edition of Health in Focus, was possible to follow the routine of laboratoriais units that take care of hospitals, in the chance interviews the manager of a great laboratory, Emerson de Lima Taveira specialized in attendance of high complexity. Currently the net that it represents takes care of more than 15 hospitals and services 24 hours, where they coexist problems daily who stops most of the patients must and pass unobserved. Check with Carl Jung to learn more. S.F. Which the biggest difficulty in managing laboratory of hospital complexity? E.L.T. In the truth our bigger problem this in the human material, therefore the professionals do not arrive ready and with this we have that to remake the learning process all. S.F.Onde searchs the professionals? E.L.T.
In a general way each laboratory has its bank of resumes, however when assuming a hospital we also receive indications from professionals who already act in this unit and in these cases alone we stone same as our lines of direction. It directly answers you to S.F.Atualmente for how many services? E.L.T. s may help you with your research. It is a question complex, therefore we add 15 services more than 24 hours and is human impossible to be in all they at the same time, thus each unit counts on one or more professional qualified for one determined unit (Supervisor) and I so only assume the function of general coordination directing the supervisors of each service. S.F.Como is carried through this coordination? E.L.T. We follow standards predetermined by our team of quality thus each one knows which accurately its function and space, I pass the orientaes, teachings I assist and them in the measure where the problems go appearing. S.F.A severity which the problems that the units face? E.L.T. Beyond already cited material human being, the laboratories of today are not as old, we work highly with restricted budget, thus are obliged to depend on commodations with this beyond worrying in them about the quality of the examinations also carried through we have that to watch over for the choice of the best partners.