The soul of Mines is not about bairrismo, some miners is privileged with the soul of Minas Gerais. Few know the Real meant of the Soul of Mines. The assigneds person with the soul of Mines are in the segments of the politics and of the culture, of the arts, he would be difficult to nominar all, in the sports we can also detach some. Hundreds of miners exist who if stand out in the media, before its pairs, its specific sectors, but nor all necessarily have the soul of Mines. The soul of Mines has the altruism, the self-denial and the public vocation as pillars, other values, all positives are also impregnated in the Soul of Mines. I heard Acio former-governor to speak in the velrio of my father: Murilo had the soul of Mines. It is certain, is witness and can count. Murilo Badar is one of the chosen ones to have the soul of Mines, took together part of it obtains, others as much will take still it, but unhappyly they are diminishing the worthy men of this essence.
We talked very lately, I used to advantage ' ' mine velho' ' until the last one instant. It counted many histories to me, debated on the decade of 50 and 60, on Vargas, the revolution of 64, years 70 and 80, at last, we had many colloquies that joined my curiosity with its wisdom. It counted its disillusionment to me and discomfort when the hard line, that implanted the dictatorship, desvirtuou the ideals of the legitimate revolution of 64. Its conjunctural position of option politics when its ideals deviated for another direction. The idealistic and democratical man if bothers with this, knew who it knows of what I speak. Our colloquies were many. When, with much pleasure of my part, it took a wine to degustarmos in the sunday, histories appeared.