Strawberries Against Diseases

They are able to demonstrate their antioxidant properties in blood plasma. They act on oxidative stress, implicated in diseases and also the speed at which we age. To deepen your understanding Dr. Mark Hyman is the source. The main producer in Europe is Huelva. enior VP and COO. A study by the Universidad Politecnica de la Marche (UNIVPM, in Italy) and of the University of Granada (UGR) has shown that strawberries, whose main producer in Europe is Huelva, strengthen red blood cells against oxidative stress, an imbalance related to various diseases. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Until now scientists have tried to confirm the antioxidant capacity of strawberries by in vitro experiments in the laboratory, however, now, this group of researchers have managed to show it live. To do this, as published in the journal Food Chemistry, scientists have supplied twelve volunteers healthy 500 grams of strawberries (of the Hohenstaufen variety) throughout each day. Blood samples were taken for sixteen days: four, eight, twelve and sixteen days, and a month later. The results reveal that the regular consumption of this fruit can improve the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma and red blood cells to their (fragmentation) hemolysis resistance oxidative.

We have found that some varieties of strawberries provide greater resistance of the erythrocytes against oxidative stress, which can be of great value if it is considered that this phenomenon triggers serious pathologies, explained the researchers. The team now analyzes variations when you swallow less amount of strawberries (regular consumption tends to be a cup a day with 150 or 200 grams). The important thing is to be part of a healthy and balanced diet, within the five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, pointed out. Also different varieties of strawberries are being analyzed in the laboratory, since each one has its own amounts and proportions of antioxidants, they have explained. Strawberries are large amount of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, that decrease oxidative stress, an imbalance that occurs in some situations physiological and pathological (such as cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes) (birth, aging, physical exercise) between aggression that produce reactive oxygen (free radicals, in particular) and the dense antioxidant in the body. When rust anti-rust dnsa exceeds there is oxidative stress, which, in addition to being the origin of certain diseases, also is involved in phenomena such as the speed at which we can age, for example.