
And for my friends boys and girls of secondary school age, has already purchased CDs with the film "Labyrinth." What about him to say? First of all tearfully beg interested not confuse it with numerous other "Labyrinth," which in fact would be "Pan's Labyrinth" (yeah, just for the kids, yeah), eccentric Indian dramas and Yugoslav detectives. Children's tale of the entire heap of similar films is the only joint Anglo-American pattern of release in 1986. Withdrew its director, Jim Henson – creator of the legendary characters of "Muppets" and "Sesame Street." Of course, once it is clear that without effective puppets in the film has not done. But in the beginning of the story. In the best tradition of fairy-tale begins with the fact that lived a little girl was Sarah and her stepmother (mother in the tale of this does not happen!). It's not that evil, but unpleasant: every weekend fun with dad ran off Sarah, leaving the girl (a young, charming and, as always, the talented Jennifer Connelly) to babysit a little brother Toby. So it was on this rainy day. Parents left, and Sarah stayed with her brother, a book about the kingdom of goblins and their spiritual leader Jared and favorite toys, including a collection of teddy bears. Well, kids – they are always kids. My brother yells for some reason does not want its not small summer in almost the same amount of say in the matter, but still bear Lancelot in his room kidnapped! No, this is absolutely impossible to live, think and Sarah, being a romantic young lady, and even point guard in the park scene from a favorite fairy tales, it becomes a theatrical pose and calls the king of goblins.

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The assembly line consists of the introduction, for Ford, of a rolling mat that carried the parts from assembly of the product, providing to the worker a estaticidade, therefore this hindered age to delocomover itself, therefore the parts came until it. In this way, operrioconfundia with the proper machine, therefore he was obliged to keep the rhythm of this. Oproletrio, still, was seen as simple appendix of the machine, and suffered with otrabalho repetitive, massificado, badly-pays, intense and embrutecedor, trabalhoeste existing while it has asked for basic for the increase of the profit. The fordista system has the production in series, emescala, as form to produce, this why Ford created proper condiespara that the consumer made use of its products (products these, for seremfabricados in series, were all equal ones), betting in the corporativismo. For elea adequate way it corporativismo could form a new type of society, the society of the consumption. this Ford wise person to very make well, as emHARVEY is observed, ' ' the belief of Ford in the corporative power was so strong deregulamentao of the economy, that its company increased the wages in the start dGrande Depression, in the expectation of that this increased the demand accomplishes, recouped the market and restored the confidence of the community dosnegcios' ' (HARVEY, 1994, P. 122). queFord observes the autoconfiana clearly deposited in the corporativismo, to put, the laws of the market had said high more. The fordista system consists of the productive compartimentao doprocesso. Of this form, each worker carries through an only stage daproduo, without having the minimum notion of ' ' todo' ' of this process. A characteristic marcante is the high degree of especializaodas tasks, a time that the laborer carries through an only function. This, muitasvezes brings serious consequences to the physical and mental health of the worker, causing to it psychological and depressive problems.

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