In any circumstance, a positive tracing implies in the execution of a PTOG with 100 glucose g, for confirmation of the DG. So that this test is valid, it is necessary that the woman has made a normal feeding in the three days had preceded that it and that the dosages have been effected per the morning, in rest and after one jejum of 10 the 14 hours. The positividade criteria are following: Jejum 95 mg/dl; 1 Hour 180 mg/dl; 2 155 Hours mg/dl; 3 140 Hours mg/dl. The DG will be confirmed, in the case of positividade of two or more than these values. Consensus in relation to the sick people does not exist who present positividade for only one of the values of glicemia. It has evidence of that these pregnant present comparable insulinorresistncia to the sick people with DG. . After the establishment of the DG diagnosis, the control and accompaniment of the pregnant must be effected by one equip to multidiscipline specifically vocacionada and with experience in this pathology. The sick people must be observed at least biweekly until the 36 weeks, and weekly from this height. The therapeutical one of the pregnant woman with DG has some sources that include measured farmacolgicas in such a way, as the related ones with the nutrition, education and programming of the physical activity. Research shows that the nutricionais recommendations with diabetes type 1 they are well similar of the gestantes that do not present the illness. Therefore, we must leave well clearly that the phrase ‘ I am eating for dois’ it can be a little risky. During the gestation, the woman passes for innumerable hormonais alterations and the feeding must be followed to the scratch to guarantee to the good baby growth and development and better quality of life to the gestante.
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