Aiming at to support the insertion of the Strategy Health of the Family in the net of services and to extend the abrangncia and the target of the actions of the Primary Attention as well as its resolutividade, beyond the processes of territorializao and regionalizao, the Health department created the Nucleus of Support to the Health of Family – NASF, with Portaria GM n 154, of 24 of January of 2008, Republicada in 04 of March of 2008. The NASF must be constituted by composed teams for professionals of different areas of knowledge, to act in set with the professionals of the Teams Health of the Family, sharing the practical ones in health in the territories under responsibility of the Teams of SF in which the NASF is registered in cadastre. Two modalities of NASF exist: NASF 1 that it will have at least to be composed for five of the professions of superior level (Psychologist; Social assistant; Druggist; Physiotherapist; Fonoaudilogo; Professional of the Physical Education; Nutritionist; Occupational therapist; Medical Gynecologist; Homeopata doctor; Acupunturista doctor; Pediatra doctor; medical Psychiatrist) tied of 08 the 20 Teams Health of the Family and NASF 2 that Social Assistant will have at least to be composed for three professionals of superior level of not-coincident occupations (; Professional of Physical Education; Druggist; Physiotherapist; Fonoaudilogo; Nutritionist; Psychologist; occupational Therapeutic e), tied at least to the 03 Teams Health of the Family, is forbidden the implantation of the two modalities of concomitant form in the Cities and the Federal District (HEALTH DEPARTMENT) It has as central responsibility to act and to strengthen 9 lines of direction in the attention to the health: the interdisciplinaridade, the intersetorialidade, the popular education, the territory, the completeness, the social control, the permanent education in health, the promotion of the health and the humanizao. The team of the NASF and the teams of the health of the family will create spaces of quarrels for management of the care..
Continue readingMonth: May 2015
National Health Foundation
Analyzing still the data supplied for the Nacionalde Foundation Health of Itaituba, it is observed variation of the cases of malaria in Itaituba, of the years of 2005, 2006 and 2007, as graphical one below: Graph 01: Monthly variation of Cases of Malaria, Itaituba, 2005, 2006, National Foundation deSade in Itaituba Elaboration: J.S.A One perceives that the positive results if aggravate between osperodos of August the October, and one of the factors that contribute must to climaquente, backwater and places with great amounts of shaded areas, etambm is period where great part of the workers in the regions of garimpoaproveitam the summer to exert its activities. It is also observed, that noincio of the year it also has an index short while raised, period also that osmesmos, they come back toward the region of Itaituba to be about the illness. IPA (Incidncia Parasitria Anual) damalria in last the 3 years is also observed. Let us see to follow: Graph 02: IPA (Incidncia Parasitaria Anual), Itaituba, 2005, 2006, 2007. Source: Sector of Endemic diseases National Foundation deSade in Itaituba Elaboration: J.S.A However, is observed that the index, although to have last diminudonos 03 years in 16,2%,> still he continues high, with 73,6% of possibilidadede if to contract the malaria in the region to each 1,000 inhabitants. In the publication of ‘ ‘ Situation Epidemiologist of the Malaria in the Brasil2005’ ‘for the Secretary of Monitoring in Health, Sr Jarbas Barbosa of the SilvJunior, tells that it is plus an instrument to divulge, systematically, dadosepidemiolgicos of the malaria for all the spheres of the Only System of Health, disponibilizando information that make possible the planning of action in the nvellocal, with faster and efficient interventions, as well as the social monitoramento and ocontrole.
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