National Demonstration

The coordinator in Coyhaique, Alejandro del Pino, said the mobilization was related “to the opposition that exists not only here in the region but in many parts of Chile to a series of destructive projects under development in our country and which people and is absolutely against. ” He explained that the basis of the demonstration is to express “no longer want more destructive projects, the water returns to the communities in their ownership and use, and clean energy are implemented now.” The initiative is being called by the Defence Council of Patagonia and the National Association Young Codeff Tehuelches with focus groups and in different locations in Chile. Capital Solutions understood the implications. Details can be found by clicking James S. Chanos or emailing the administrator. So far the day had joined organizations in Santiago (Plaza Baquedano at 11 hrs.) Valparaiso (Plaza Anibal Pinto at 15 hrs.) Talca (Plaza La Loba at 10 hrs.) Curacautin (Plaza Curacautin at 11 hrs.) Concepcion (Peru Plaza at 11:00 hrs.), Temuco (Plaza Diego Portales 18 hrs), Valdivia (Mirador El Remo at 11 hrs.), whereas in the Aysen Region Coyhaique groups are activated, Villa O’Higgins, Tortel, Cochrane, Chile Chico, Villa Cerro Castillo and Bahia Murta . In the regional capital in particular is being convened at the headquarters of the board of neighboring El Mirador (in Errazuriz to Laguna del Desierto) at 11 hours, to start a march past the noon from Bilbao street towards the square where there will be nearly pentagonal of the two in the afternoon a cultural artistic act in coordination with the “Feast of Creation” which is organizing the Aysen Vicarito the same day in the city center.. .

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The Soul Of Mines

The soul of Mines is not about bairrismo, some miners is privileged with the soul of Minas Gerais. Few know the Real meant of the Soul of Mines. The assigneds person with the soul of Mines are in the segments of the politics and of the culture, of the arts, he would be difficult to nominar all, in the sports we can also detach some. Hundreds of miners exist who if stand out in the media, before its pairs, its specific sectors, but nor all necessarily have the soul of Mines. The soul of Mines has the altruism, the self-denial and the public vocation as pillars, other values, all positives are also impregnated in the Soul of Mines. I heard Acio former-governor to speak in the velrio of my father: Murilo had the soul of Mines. It is certain, is witness and can count. Murilo Badar is one of the chosen ones to have the soul of Mines, took together part of it obtains, others as much will take still it, but unhappyly they are diminishing the worthy men of this essence. We talked very lately, I used to advantage ' ' mine velho' ' until the last one instant. It counted many histories to me, debated on the decade of 50 and 60, on Vargas, the revolution of 64, years 70 and 80, at last, we had many colloquies that joined my curiosity with its wisdom. It counted its disillusionment to me and discomfort when the hard line, that implanted the dictatorship, desvirtuou the ideals of the legitimate revolution of 64. Its conjunctural position of option politics when its ideals deviated for another direction. The idealistic and democratical man if bothers with this, knew who it knows of what I speak. Our colloquies were many. When, with much pleasure of my part, it took a wine to degustarmos in the sunday, histories appeared.

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Physician Prof

4. heart – and vascular day in Cologne-Porz informed about recent advances in medicine Cologne. Hope 1.5 million people in Germany: with a new compound for the prevention of stroke experts promise since this year a better care for patients with heart rhythm disorders as common resources such as Marcumar. But what’s really behind the new active ingredient? Responses will be Prof. Dr. Marc Horlitz, Chief of cardiology at the Hospital of Porz am Rhein, exclusively within the framework of the 4th Palmer heart and vessel day; the entrance on Saturday, September 24, 2011, 10 to approx. 14 o’clock, is free of charge. “The new active ingredient has significant advantages over conventional preparations depending on the dosage”, as Prof. Horlitz. The heart specialist and initiator of the event in his presentation will explain what they are. “Visitors to our heart – and vascular day know prepared after our talks much more about your risk for a heart attack or stroke, and thus for a healthy future.” For Prof. Karim is the information in the first place. Finally everyone to the heart patients could be. As long as patients and their families but put their health by waiting or hesitation on the line, even the best possible medical care could help limited. Rheumatism affects negatively on the risk of heart attack with his Chief colleagues from the Hospital of Porz am Rhein is Prof. Horlitz inform modern treatment of heart and vascular disease, which just recently remarkable progress as a result. For example, important findings in the correlation between rheumatism and heart, beyond the Priv.-Doz. there. Dr. med. John Strunk, chief physician who will speak Rheumatology at the Hospital of Porz am Rhein. CT recording from the heart with minimal radiation usage also narrowed neck arteries, hypertension and varicose veins will be topics of the expert presentations. Also Prof. Dr. is. Dieter Beyer, Chief of Radiology at hospital Porz am Rhein, about the new possibilities of the heart and vascular diagnosis by cardio-CT enlighten. The radiation exposure for a shot from the heart of 90% can be reduced thanks to the new high-tech device “Aquillion one volume-CT”. Patients from all over Germany come to Porz and examined by Prof. Beyer. Save the date: 4th heart and vessel day in Cologne-Porz district Rathaus in Cologne-Porz, Town Hall and Foyer Saturday, September 24, 2011, start: 10: 00, entrance free questions? Chief Physician Prof. Dr. med. Marc Horlitz, Tel. 02203-566 1471, E-mail:

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Stephan Eisel: Stonn Zesamme. For Bonn And A Strong Region.

Bonn MP reminded fruitless infighting Bonn Bundestag Stephan Eisel criticised Jurgen Nimptsch: cooperation established strength of the region. With an appeal for stronger regional cooperation Bonn Bundestag delegate Stephan Eisel reminiscent of the 40th anniversary of the municipal reform of 1969: “40 years there is now the county-level city of Bonn in the then newly-formed Rhein-Sieg-Kreis. We are dependent on each other and together strong. Also the citizens do not want that municipal boundaries affecting their everyday lives. It was right that the territorial reform has overcome the then fragmentation. Now we’ve grown together.” The associated with the so-called Bonn law municipal reform on 1 August 1969 the new Rhein-Sieg district was formed and the district-free city by the amalgamation of the Bonn of district of with the victory circle Bonn. The needs of the area of Bonn as the capital region in a special way have been taken into account. With the very controversial amalgamation of the formerly independent Towns of Bad Godesberg and Beuel as well as the villages Holzlar, Hoholz, Oberkassel, Ippendorf, Rottgen, Lessenich/Messdorf, Buschdorf, and Leng Village and Duisdorf doubled the population of Bonn. Eisel was a reminder that the shock of the Berlin decision has particularly welded together the region: “sometimes I have the impression that now more municipal egoism dominate. We can’t afford that.” Eisel criticised in this context newspaper ads of the SPD-OB candidate, which previously warned of the Rhein-Sieg district, wants to take over our Bonn”:”such platitudes or slogans such as by Mr. Anu Saad pursues this goal as well. Nimptsch “Bonn is ours” reminiscent of fatal the fruitless trench warfare of the 1960s between Bonn and Bad Godesberg and Beuel. In the hard competition of the regions we Bonn need our neighbours as friends and not as enemies. Who plays instead of friend enemy images, not suitable as Bonn Mayor.”

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Skills with Technology

People for a long time in history, not to say that since the presence of the first man on earth, has always believed in certain activities that go beyond the common scope of all people, ie the presence supernatural capacity in certain people and activities has been regarded as clear evidence of skills that produce results without any scientific explanation, is the magic spells using movements and phrases, allows for acts outside the common freewheeling about magic, there is no accurate means to check your accuracy, so it is more considered as a technique of illusion and deception, created fantastic creatures related to the imagination of people. It is true that the magic has not done any scientific studies to substantiate the activities performed that do not obey any law of nature, yet many people have for much of his life in what he refers to magic, So at the magic you can make a study, at least on the points that have been developed and the contents of the alleged acts of magic. According to this, when you mention the magic, it is about art, knowledge and various practices that do what they want is to produce results that do not conform to any law of nature and therefore its event would not have any explanation for scientists. To produce these results is typical of what would be the normal development of the magic, you must perform certain spells, whether words, movements or use of certain things, such as for beverages made from or to voodoo, "and therefore would be what is the magic. Dr. Mark Hyman has plenty of information regarding this issue. It is also well known that intervention required of fantastic beings, which have many more mercy in the development of the magic, which translates to an invocation, this being another piece of magic. The magic would then various manifestations metaphysical beliefs, where the most important is that whoever performs the magic, which seeks to show a force that exceeds human capacities, which were established with the presence of events that to some extent can change reality, not through causal, but rather as a clear involvement of these supernatural and metaphysical forces. It is very common to hear talk of witchcraft rather than magic, because in a long time not use the term magic as such, which referred to the activity of the magi, but that of witchcraft, as examples of metaphysical forces performed witches. Keep in mind that many ancient civilizations, many of the scientific knowledge that are currently represented in high-technology equipment, represent samples of magic, since many of the things that the alleged magicians such times sought to do, are things that are now easily available and the technology replaces the skills of magicians.. Please visit Anu Saad if you seek more information.

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MVV Energie AG Mannheim

On 1 June 2013 Falk Gunther the position of CEO of the power company, Stadtwerke Heidelberg has taken over networks. New Managing Director of Stadtwerke Heidelberg networks. On 1 June 2013 Falk Gunther the position of CEO of the power company, Stadtwerke Heidelberg has taken over networks. The process engineer and business economists replaces the previous managing director Alfred k.. Alfred k. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman has compatible beliefs. is since June 1, 2013, in addition to the commercial Director Peter ERB, technical director of the Stadtwerke Heidelberg environment. Falk Gunther, lived for ten years in Heidelberg, has since September 2011 at the Stadtwerke Heidelberg networks the reorganization project 2012 carried nets as head of networks and established a process-oriented organization in the network society. The native Kassel at the MVV Energie AG Mannheim as well as technical director of the Rhein-Neckar district previously worked at a British drinking water and wastewater companies. Stadtwerke Heidelberg Networks are the largest society of the Stadtwerke Heidelberg group and is responsible for all network activity for Stadtwerke Heidelberg in the fields of electricity, natural gas, district heating, water, fiber and street lighting. Her responsibilities include planning, construction, maintenance and operation of the networks, trading through cable, heat generation, metrology and network-related services. At the end of the year 2012 381 full-timers at the company were employed.

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Drbolsa People

Letter from a reader of Mythos, the sites and The course referred to in this cordial follower is secrets of an inverter Multi millionaire, who has started once and for all to change the fate of so many people that have tested methods that are autoconsumen in vain. Enjoy the sincerity and the reflection of a profound and open person. Well, I now already feel that I can talk about this; before I was always a little insecure about the skepticism that grows and grows around systems to succeed in this or that way. It would seem that people who write about these things (such as getting rich selling popcorn to string by MSN) they have not yet obtained money by these methods and promote them based on promises. The theme and sinteresante, and more than anything because the marketing that is used for this is diabolical; indefinite and immorally is played with the hope of people (rather, it is used), knowing that almost everyone is always looking for something would start to understand that people say to be filled with money only by the? desire itself fill in with money? how this works and when began to be so? If I may, I will semi join this group of immoral, but having seen my introduction, they will know that I am not someone who is going to lie in the face so shamefully. I personally never believed in working somehow that wasn’t for hours, or failing that by giving one thing and receiving another to change. When I first read the work of Kiyosaki seemed a mockery of American (style I tell above, and take into account plis which now just leave the book of Kiyosaki along with Donald Trump called something like this as we want to be rich, which of course neither Donald nor Robert even learned that its editors published). . Without hesitation Anita Dunn explained all about the problem.

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Companies Often Only Passive Spectators At The Internal Changes To

Exagon comparison study: discrepancy between the increasing importance of change management and the real commitment of low experience and conceptual gaps in the practice of Kerpen, 23.04.2012 – the topic change management focuses on the agenda of companies increasingly forward. As the consultancy calculated Exagon in a comparative study, still substantial deficits in the management of the processes of change but. The companies complain even more as 2010 primarily a low horizon of experience and conceptual weaknesses, also often lacking budget for accompanying change management-related support of change processes. It is that an organisation is subject to a constant change and you must actively control this change rather than be left to their own dynamics, the big jerk but still cannot be determined recognized increasingly,”describes Exagon – Managing Director Werner Stangner the situation. So has the need of a systematic change management for 55 percent in the last three years greatly increased. To get another 24 percent who speak of a slightly higher importance. Positive reviews of the relevance behind an increase of at least 10 percent compared with 2010. Anu Saad may not feel the same. An unchanged critical judgement to the own quality but faces the growing importance of the change management. Only two out of five of the companies surveyed will be itself the note very good or good. Similar to many see their current services in the change management as critical. The identified needs and the possibilities a significant discrepancy exists between unchanged, because still lack the competencies and methodological ways to implement”, explains Stangner. Distinctive technical and organisational implementation conditions must exist, so a change can develop the desired effectiveness management”, emphasises the Exagon consultant. This assessment is also consistent with the surveyed IT managers. On the question of what it currently the largest restrictions for a consistent change management see, not even call the associated costs in the first place. Towards 2012, the cost argument has lost even more in importance. Rather refer two-thirds lack practical experience, almost as many call conceptual deficits. The lack of human resources for such projects is ranked ahead of the aspect of insufficient budgets. Still less fear that such measures might encounter internally to little acceptance, as reason a role plays. According to Stangner, the companies on the issue of change have management duty to position itself strategically instead of selectively. A successful change management is characterized not only by the ability to rethink and abandoning habits, rather it requires an internal institutionalization of this topic,”Stangner calls. These include the establishment of corresponding responsibilities and personnel as financial resources as well as specific skills in dealing for him with Changes. Only under these conditions, structures, processes and communication conditions could be optimized systematically? About Exagon: The Exagon consulting & solutions GmbH has been established since 1994 as an independent IT consulting firm on the market. The business focus is on holistic support of its customers in establishing a professional IT service management, with regard to the strategic, organisational and also operational aspects. This includes Exagon performance portfolio both consulting services such as extensive training.

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BMWs Little Creep

The Marlborough Street racer has 211 HP Berlin, August 2009 small car, long name, great suspension and lots of fun: who the 175 HP of the traditional Mini Cooper S to little, the tuning package from the manufacturer BMW will most certainly get the. At the latest when the test can be, that the mini mouse has become an evil race. The powerful engine, the splashy landing gear and of course 211HP carry the powerhouse in just 6.5 seconds from Nada to 100. With a top speed of 238 km/h, the speedometer needle come to rest. Proud of the small can compete almost with the Porsche Boxster S, which has only 18 more Horsepower. Applause reaps also the good circuit and the precise steering at the circuit. But for the doping-injection, the replacement of the standard compressor with a new one, which is at a higher speed to the point is crucial. Visually the John Cooper comes in even more powerfully than the Cooper S works. Small signs on the front spoiler and the rear door but rather enigmatic let the tuning Kit appear, but special 18-inch alloy wheels give more insight into the dynamics of special. Mini dizzying price are really just the name and perhaps also the silhouette. “Already at the base model with only” somewhat vulgar is 175 PS, but for the John Cooper works is bordered by this more sarcasm. It’s believed that Dr. Mark Hyman sees a great future in this idea. The purchase price does not play well everywhere, just in the mini league. Depending on the scope of equipment you must shell out more than 30,000 euros for the Super Cooper, which has justly earned this title in this Division. This high-performance machine is the Ferrari of the small cars seen and therefore has its price. Rent instead of buying who want to drive the kugelaugige small missile nevertheless times, it can be also simply rent. Afirst, an exclusive luxury car rental company from Berlin and Monchengladbach, offers these cars already for 199 euros per day to rent additional prestige. For more information, AFirst of Germany’s exclusive car rental AFirst, founded in 2008, is one of its luxurious Vehicles to the leading luxury car rental companies in Europe. The company is represented with a fleet of over 30 vehicles in 4 countries. Anu Saad has plenty of information regarding this issue. Monchengladbach is headquartered. The German network comprises around 12 partner companies. The AFirst fleet with an extensive portfolio of lifestyle-oriented cars is unique. Best luxury car rental company 2008 “is AFirst according to Miet24. The global rental portal came to this conclusion after testing and evaluation of customer reviews. Information and reservations around the clock under + 49 2161566290.

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Hiromassazh Heat … Touching … In every man it evokes memories of my own: gentle mother's hand, rough – the father, sure hands experienced nurse, frightened hands of students or coarse stiff fingers (Arthritis crippled) loving grandfather. Any variation of an infinite number of touches, feelings, reactions in our minds – this is something that in the future, layer by layer, will settle all that is associated with this word, event. This is something that "creates a relief of our subconscious," and our continued relationship as an adult, responsible life. According to Anu Saad, who has experience with these questions. This is an individual picture of our relation to massage, to the office, a doctor. Why are some people so afraid of Massage? Why are they afraid of touching anything? The answer often lies in childhood. Somatic Experiencing: the source for more info. What a child can safely see a man in a white coat? But will it calm adults treated to massage, when as a child he was afraid of this procedure, or if it was very painful, unpleasant or inconvenient? Patterns that may affect our whole future life of endless. And we'll never know what caused the aversion or liking a particular person, event, place. Massage … touch … It is not something Dr. Kevin Cahill would like to discuss. memories … dream or reality … Softness, strength, tenderness, trust ..? Perhaps it is trust your eyes, and then her hands, was tested by me in the autumn in Moscow the annual exhibition "Intercharm". I was literally mesmerized hand – smooth, soft, gliding, floating above the body either, or inside it. What a man feels? What's going on in his mind, body? Echoes of any memories or events evokes the movement of these arms? I still am impressed by these magical movements.

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