Germans Self-employment

are. City ranking: Which city has the most willing of the Foundation? 1st Dortmund (9%) 2. Munich (8%) 3. Dusseldorf (7%) 4. Leipzig (6%) 5. Bremen, Hamburg (5% each) 6 food, Stuttgart, Berlin (both 4%) 7 Dresden (3%) 8 Frankfurt, Cologne (2%) Basically, a self-employment in the sum even for 55 percent of all respondents is an option being an employee. In addition to the five per cent with very specific plans, another 18 percent say they had plans to make independently, just still don’t know when. A third can imagine in principle, to take that step, but are still looking for a business idea. Only for 15 percent, a self-employment never came into question. The currently strong economy but also promotes the step towards independence. Only one-third of the respondents are of the opinion that, in the current economic upswing, the chances are particularly cheap to start a business. Two-thirds are Opinion that this is always a risk, regardless of whether the economy is booming or not. The study confirmed this, that the German population is generally positive towards a professional independence and shows great willingness to take this step. However many still after a suitable business search. Here models such as a trade representative or a franchise system can pave the way towards independence”, Dr. Frank Hoefer, CEO of Iceman interpreted frozen Home Service GmbH, the results. The study of perspective independence 2011 ‘ Tiefkuhl-Home Service GmbH in order was given in January 2011 of the Iceman, to examine the setting of the Germans on the subject of self-employment. The study, which was carried out in 12 German cities, was the discovery of personal intentions of respondents to their professional careers and also a general conclusion to the perception of professional self-employed workers in the population. In addition determines what motivation, but also what concerns have the Germans when it comes to the topic of self-employment. A monograph with the key results of the study of perspective independence 2011 “can be requested by E-Mail. on Ecstasy: the resident of Mettmann home service for frozen food specialties serves customers in all Germany since 1974. Now about 2 million households are supplied from over 220 sales stations in nine European countries. In Europe, revenues amounted in 2008 to EUR 532 million (incl. VAT).

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