The pathogenesis of myopia: a weakened capacity of accommodation in a great visual work close (reading, working at the computer) becomes unbearable burden for the eyes. This causes the body to reduce the load changes the optical system of the eye and thus adapt it to work on close stress-free accommodation. Refraction and accommodation in myopia here. This can be achieved mainly by lengthening the anteroposterior axis of the eye during its growth and the formation of refraction (Approximately 20 – 25 years). With this mechanism, the development of myopia is typically less than 3.0 diopters. Further progression of myopia is associated with weakness of the eye accommodative apparatus that can be consequence of the inherent inferiority or lack of morphological fitness ciliary muscle, insufficient blood supply or exposure to common disorders and diseases of the body. Reducing its efficiency leads to more deterioration in hemodynamics eyes. Finally, the weakening of the sclera on the background of elevated intraocular apple is an increase in the size of the eye, which in turn leads to progression of myopia. By itself, increased intraocular pressure in normal sclera can not cause myopia. It is important to understand that a family history involves not only the presence of myopia immediate family, but also the weakness of the connective tissue. This explains why for example progressive myopia appears in individuals without a family history of myopia. The classification of myopia: Today time ophthalmologists use the following classification of myopia: I. on pathogenesis: 1. true – axis 2. false or psevdomiopiya: a. cyclospasm b. night myopia, in. transient myopia (drug and within the context of disease). II. the degree of: 1. weak – to 3,0 D; 2. average – from 3.25 to 6,0 D; 3. high – from 6,25 D and above. III. time of: 1. Congenital 2. acquired, as well. at preschool age, and b. at school age. IV. with the flow: 1. stable (increase of no more than 0,5 D per year) 2. slowly progressive (an increase of up to 1 D per year) 3. aggressive type – attributes: a. increased anteroposterior axis of the eye at 1 mm per year, and b. increase in the degree of myopia on 1,0 D in the year. Myopia progression may occur slowly and end with the completion of growth of the organism (approximately 25 years). Sometimes the myopia progresses continuously and reach a high degree (up to 20 diopters. And above), accompanied by a number of complications (retinal detachment is the most dangerous), and a significant decrease in vision. This is called malignant myopia – myopic disease. Stable myopia is the error of refraction. Clinically it is manifested reduced distance vision, corrective lenses, and well contact lenses and does not require treatment. Constantly progressing myopia – is always a serious disease, which is a major cause of disability, resulting in a sharp decline in visual acuity. V. The morphological substrate myopia: 1. scleral 2. skleropapilyarnaya (okolodiskovaya) 3. macular 4. vitrealnaya 5. haemorrhagic 6. Mixed 7. total. Of the presented classification shows that there are so many various forms of myopia, and each form needs a certain kind of treatment. It is clear that some form of myopia can succumb to rectify through a variety of alternative methods of recovery, and some no. This also becomes clear that there really is a small number of people who managed to restore vision (such as when false myopia), but these techniques do not help with other forms of myopia.
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