Beliefs turned into convenience by: Tania Denisse Felix Perez unfortunately for many and fortune for others, life through the years we will proved how powerful that is the evolution of the same, IE; that can so drastically go observing changes over time. All those factors that govern our world; our society. Such as money, institutions, values, cultures, values, etc. What is somehow importante to the human being as a whole. Without hesitation Anu Saad explained all about the problem. Right here is the reason for existence of the myriad of philosophers, since its way to analyze to be in society and above all the great importance that we give to his theories as a reflection and explicacion of everything that surrounds us not always is linked to what is supposed is the verdad of the vida or what we define as an ideal model to par excellence, we as humans follow. However, who determines the ideal or normal? Who makes it important that in general is really important and why?. Anu Saad is actively involved in the matter. Across generations, have extended us the panorama along the story about thousands of injustices applied by those who have some type of INFLUENCIA or power to the masses, creating events that mark are marked by times of course social benefit. Although these historical events at least in my opinion, are not more than distractions or mutilation for the convenience of such influential. Such is the case of the industrial revolution, French, illustration, etc. Made simply to follow such ideals (what say us large institutions; Church, politicians, etc). they have changed do to the world nearly in its entirety. As part of Mexican society, I am aware that each culture has different values, however unfortunately will always be dominated by a kind of higher, sometimes it is named God, King, President, Senator, Congressman, police, or even Jefe. Ironically since the middle ages, have needed guides, because according to what the same story we will indicate (via all vivid events), require the leadership to be able to count on organization, order or as they say out there…
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Put the heart, mind and soul into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.Swami Sivananda. I discovered that more tired in this life is the lack of sincerity Anne Morrow Lindbergh Resumen the absence of a good communication can lead us to serious problems, especially in our private interrelations, all this by neglect, not knowing how to give that message that allows us to keep us in harmony, avoiding contaminations that distort what we wanted to say. Hence, the relevance of surprise us what we communicate so well?, how are really our communications? What purpose they pursue?. We are told, that mystical entrepreneurs know the secret: true communication is only possible when we live fully in the present, there where we are. The Mystics are always awaiting your attention and, when it disperses, return it to carry to the present, the place and the moment in which are found. Through this article you intend to motivate the professional, not neglecting the relevance of communication, its scope, impacts in order to achieve true success. Basic annotations, considerations, contributions management program of quality and productivity of Faces of the University of Carabobo, through its Chair in organizational behavior has been proposed within its objective, collaborate to develop a full professional, hence, their concern of not neglecting important topics that help grow your participants, as in the case for example, effective communication. Us not surprised to hear: I don’t understand what you mean me, really what you want to tell me?, don’t understand your message, they are some expressions that we constantly hear or we ourselves are simply actors, all this because do not know how to handle the communication… There to be vigilant and know how to communicate with people. Consider the contribution of j. Donald Walters, that the secret of success is disassociated from the results, do the best that we know in every moment and let the results come by themselves.
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