Expensive reader, in this edition we go to speak regarding the mnadas ones. Before everything, an exception: the mnada one is a Metaphysical unit inextensa. In this way, the Mnadas, by not possessing parts (indivisible), never can be made or insults. They cannot start or to finish e, therefore, they will continue existing while to last the universe. The characteristics of the mnadas ones are diverse, but it remains in its unit; the others, unit, simplicity, inextensa are independent one in relation, incriadas and etc. They follow a hierarchy where she has in the top of this hierarchy the Mnada of the Mnadas, God. In the hierarchy they have two types of perception, simple and the conscientious one. The last one is called apercepo. Some mnadas only apercebem, and they have more unconscious perceptions that conscientious. We go here to make a simple demonstration of the hierarchy of the mnadas ones: Unconscious and nonsenses: the rocks and the minerals; Conscientious, however, confused: the plants; Conscientious, clearly, but not distinct: the animal irrationals; Conscientious, and clearly distinct: the man; The beings spirituals; The mnada one of the Mnadas, God. Here the apex of all meets the mnadas ones. For Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz 1646 1716), the mnada one is in the universe, forming in its unit, the substance of each being. We can speak now of a Mnada that is always present in the life of the people: God. It who never leaves of looking at and taking care of of its creation. when we speak of ‘ ‘ unidade’ ‘ we must look at for one mnoda of Century XXI, the Religiosidade. This must be a unit enters all the peoples as our mnada of the Mnadas said in them: ‘ ‘ I do not supplicate only for them, but also for all those that, by means of its word, go to believe in me, so that all are one, as well as you, Father, stays in me and I in You; so that they are one in us ‘ ‘ (cf. Jo 17, 20-21). Learn more at: Glenn Dubin. This everything wants to say I broke that it of the reflection of Leibniz we can speak of ecumenismo. It perceived, expensive reader, as the Philosophy opens new horizontes? Let us search, therefore the apex of all the mnadas ones: God.
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