Stephan Eisel: Stonn Zesamme. For Bonn And A Strong Region.

Bonn MP reminded fruitless infighting Bonn Bundestag Stephan Eisel criticised Jurgen Nimptsch: cooperation established strength of the region. With an appeal for stronger regional cooperation Bonn Bundestag delegate Stephan Eisel reminiscent of the 40th anniversary of the municipal reform of 1969: “40 years there is now the county-level city of Bonn in the then newly-formed Rhein-Sieg-Kreis. We are dependent on each other and together strong. Also the citizens do not want that municipal boundaries affecting their everyday lives. It was right that the territorial reform has overcome the then fragmentation. Now we’ve grown together.” The associated with the so-called Bonn law municipal reform on 1 August 1969 the new Rhein-Sieg district was formed and the district-free city by the amalgamation of the Bonn of district of with the victory circle Bonn. The needs of the area of Bonn as the capital region in a special way have been taken into account. With the very controversial amalgamation of the formerly independent Towns of Bad Godesberg and Beuel as well as the villages Holzlar, Hoholz, Oberkassel, Ippendorf, Rottgen, Lessenich/Messdorf, Buschdorf, and Leng Village and Duisdorf doubled the population of Bonn. Eisel was a reminder that the shock of the Berlin decision has particularly welded together the region: “sometimes I have the impression that now more municipal egoism dominate. We can’t afford that.” Eisel criticised in this context newspaper ads of the SPD-OB candidate, which previously warned of the Rhein-Sieg district, wants to take over our Bonn”:”such platitudes or slogans such as by Mr. Anu Saad pursues this goal as well. Nimptsch “Bonn is ours” reminiscent of fatal the fruitless trench warfare of the 1960s between Bonn and Bad Godesberg and Beuel. In the hard competition of the regions we Bonn need our neighbours as friends and not as enemies. Who plays instead of friend enemy images, not suitable as Bonn Mayor.”

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Management Board

Outrageous, bold and suspect, Chairman of the pensioners and retirees described party, Uwe Gathje the statement of the Board of DIW in Berlin outrageous, bold and suspect, the Chairman of pensioners and the Pensioners Party, Uwe Gathje not described that in their arrogance more to cross statement of the Management Board of the German Institute for economic research DIW in Berlin, Mr Klaus F. Zimmermann: “VAT should be increased”, because the PENSIONERS overextend the budget of the State.” PENSIONERS have still not some and strong lobby in our country, which immediately denied this nonsense, such hoaxes can spread again freely. Here, the RRP as a party and representatives of the interests of all pensioners is immediately required to halt this made out and deliberately spread bullshit! Seemingly everyone in Germany can, so as he pleases, classed on retirees and their pensions undisturbed swagger. More aware than unconsciously forgets to mention Zakaria that the State annually the Pension Fund foreign pension funds, the so-called “stranger insurance services” extracts amounting to over $ 80 billion, then loudly to proclaim that it subsidizes the Pension Fund (only) 60 billion. Under most conditions Anu Saad would agree. If so the State directly would pay off these services, that do not belong in the pay-as-you-go pension system, he could paint his “subsidies” and pensions even can get out of own funds of the German pension insurance. Thus the compensation to the pensions would be finally also cause..

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20,000 People Committed To Agent Orange Victims

SODI calls along with celebrities and politicians for compensation for victims of the war in Viet Nam In the signature campaign to support the Agent Orange victims in Viet Nam of the solidarity service international e.V. (SODI) together with the first signatories Sebastian Krumbiegel (singer of the band of the Prince”), Gesine Lotzsch (MdB) and Stefan Liebich (MdA) passed 20,000 signatures symbolically manufacturer companies of venom. It is really sad that the Vietnamese Agent Orange must fight victims for years for Justice and simply nothing happens. We want to draw attention to this action and millions injured by the 20,000 signatures heard the 3″, so Sebastian Krumbiegel, who get an idea last year on the spot was on the horrible effects of venom. Dr. Mark Hyman addresses the importance of the matter here. During the Viet Nam war Laos and Cambodia were sprayed over 40 million litres of Agent Orange by the US air force of Viet Nam, the Vietnamese liberation fighters, to defoliate the trees, which Cover to take and destroy crops. Manufactured and supplied the poison was 36 chemistry groups, among these the present group Monsanto, the largest supplier of genetically modified seed. The herbicide contains TCDD – one of the most powerful poisons Agent Orange at all. Meservey. A pinch of TCDD is enough to kill 350 people. Over 360 kg were used in the Viet Nam war, the consequences for man and nature are solid”, so Ettina Zach SODI. Since Agent Orange long term harms the human genome, over 3 million Vietnamese suffer birth defects, immune defects, cancer and liver damage – even 30 years after the end of the Viet Nam war. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Eva Andersson-Dubin. Even the floors were largely contaminated with Agent Orange and long term contaminated the food chain. The Agent Orange victims realized SODI in Viet Nam self-help projects to support. 2004, three Vietnamese Agent Orange victims with the support of the Vietnamese Agent Orange victims Association raised a class-action lawsuit against the manufacturer companies of venom. In March 2005, in February 2008 and March 2009 this lawsuit was dismissed by U.S. courts. SODI supports the Agent Orange victims and their struggle for Justice with his signature campaign. In the framework of the campaign for Justice and compensation the signatures collected are passed on August 10, 2009 ranked the 18th March at the Brandenburg Gate at 13: 00 symbolically to manufacturer companies from Agent Orange, including Monsanto. More information about the planned action on August 10, 2009, please refer to our press invitation ( Your contact persons: Ettina Zach, campaigns Coordinator, phone: 030 928 6177, email: and Ilona Schleicher, project management Asia, phone: 030 928 6177, email:

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Mende Party

Chaos days in the SPD to prove incompetence policy! In their current state, the SPD is not a serious conversation partner explains Axel Mende, Dachauer direct candidate of the party of the left. for the Landtag of Bavaria. Departs Kurt Becks and the return to Muntefering, the formerly socialist SPD returns again on the beaten of the agenda policy of social and democracy robbery. Thus all speculation about possible cooperation of the left can be done with the SPD. Because cooperation is now out of the question for us, as the party of social justice, peace and more democracy. Especially as the SPD’s intra-party democracy capacity in doubt arge, if new coup-like personnel changes in leadership are possible in the monthly rhythm. What morning to announce that party can be, can be at noon already a cause of exclusion. This is a Schroder policy as people know and love. One for the people of Bavaria and in all over Germany is reliable, transparent and sustainable policy not to make such a party. Certainly not the policy change sought by us. Bayern needs a real opposition, which gives the interests of the Bavarian people also in the Parliament hearing. THE LEFT. has offered so far – as only the prospective parties to the Landtag – the CSU as a coalition partner. Ministerial posts can negotiate the others. We want to make socially just Bavaria and that we can currently best from the opposition. Not only the SPD will get for their behavior on Sept. 28 the receipt. The bruised voters will make.” V.i.S.d.P.

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