Parenting may be the challenge more rewarding or more stressful life. Everything depends on us. Our children are simply a reflection of our beliefs. May lead to our most extreme limits, and thus, give us a great opportunity to learn and grow. We, as parents, we must understand that the relationship with our children depend only on our thoughts. Here, Dr. Mark Hyman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. What really matters is not what is on the outside, but our thoughts about our children and our thoughts about their behavior. This is the belief of Ho'oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian art which teaches us that nothing exists outside of us. Additional information at Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City supports this article.
Everything that comes into our lives is really an opportunity to learn, and is there and what we attract for some reason. Normally, our reality reflects ideas and concepts that play constantly in our subconscious minds, without us noticing. This means that if we work to clean and get rid of those repetitive thoughts, our children will change and change. Yes, when we change, everything changes (even our children) without even need to say anything to anyone. Your children are simply your programs, a memory playing in your own monitor. Ho'oponopono works like the delete key on the keyboard of your computer.
Your challenges with your children are simply memories playing, you can choose to talk to the monitor, or you can delete what is not working. What is removed from you, it also clears your children. It is important that parents learn how to put ourselves first and do what works for us.