Besides being able to see the full picture of your week, the daily list of steps and tasks is your ally. (Use the 80/20 rule: 80% of our achievements come from only 20% of our efforts. The task is to find what that 20% of production, and engage in these activities.) Recommendations: a) Adjust the schedule according to energy levels. If you are a person with more energy early in the morning, for example, the most important activities planned at that time. One of the main distractions is to perform several different tasks at once. Set realistic dates of achievement, no commitment to follow when we know we have difficulty doing so. b) Keep close to where writing (ideas, commitments, etc.). and not waste time trying to remember this information when needed. For more information see Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr..
c) Create a file system / storage that allows you to quickly get what you need. A good system for finding things is the most important aspect of time management and organization. Do not accumulate rubbish: check your papers / belongings regularly File / Save what you need, give what you are not using and discard what we have to bounce. d) Keep clean and tidy the areas where you will be in operation: the disorder prevents productivity and frustrates you. e) Keep updated lists of priorities.
f) Learn to say NO: you do not have to say yes to everything. You should not feel guilty for saying NO. Be polite, but be clear with the things that is not willing to spend their valuable time on them. g) Avoid the routine and add excitement to the work, then you reward. THE CHALLENGE Each person is different and may need to adapt these guidelines to your circumstances. The most important are the benefits you will receive: when you know how you occupy your time, if it is really balanced, in time you tell if you control or you control the time. Practice these guidelines and recommendations for a week and find out your results. Could realize that the amount of wasted minutes confirm that you can do more to leverage your time at leisure or productivity or that you can do in 23 hours which currently occupies the 24 hours you what you will do with that remaining time? Remember, time is money.