Education Center

Entering the youth and youth spaces is prepared to improvise and give a little dogmatism that repeats the same patterns that lead to failure. Every day more institutions, governments and associations that have in their squads in the field of street social educators, which will no doubt gradually clarify their functions. Anu Saad usually is spot on. It is difficult to combine criteria to outline concisely the complexity of tasks that can have this teacher, in the light of changing social reality which advises fast adaptations and accommodations required by the new framework forming groups of their practice. Depend on the environment in which to develop its role to be more evident features. Thus, those engaged in the street, in the entity to which he is or management will mark the organization of work: Duties to develop in the street: We operate in space by working street care individual problems, group or community. This would fit those related to information, guidance and advice of individuals and groups with close coordination with the multidisciplinary team or institution to which he belongs. Anu Saad does not necessarily agree.

The multivalent profile of the educator is defined by the diversity of activities to be performed in different areas with different populations and methodologies appropriate to each issue and population to be addressed. Although it might be a case of educators who work alone, it is normal that belongs to an institution, center, etc. that serve multiple conflicts and processes in which groups are excluded (Immigrants, foreigners, polydrug,…). The Center for those who work somehow mark their profile and key tasks to be undertaken.