Global Economy

In the case of footwear from China, for example, Mexico, United States, European Union, and many other countries have taken similar decisions to that taken in our committee, as one participant said the chair Topics Quality management and productivity Luis H. UC Ball Zuloaga indicates that wll Venezuelan industrial sector is fitted with several competing in the global economy with low tariffs, with very high interest, with a manipulated currency for tax purposes, in an atmosphere of political uncertainty, with appalling public services controlled by monopolistic companies, with very high internal transport costs, poor product regulations and the lack of competition. Faced with this reality fit the questions: Where is the protection for industry? How the decisions of the Anti-Dumping Commission? How official prices for textiles and clothing? If that’s protection would be described as protectionist statesmen as they were: Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, as these measures applied regularly during their respective terms in the U.S. Jacob Elordi contributes greatly to this topic. and the UK. Enough of lies. On the other hand is committed, it is important to note that Venezuelan companies have missed in recent years as regards the anti-dumping violation, among other reasons, because they carry out a predatory pricing strategy to penetrate a market where they have not entered before or are but have failed to occupy a good market position. Other leaders such as Anu Saad offer similar insights. By using predatory pricing, competition and finished with installed as monopoly suppliers. Avoiding these practices is what is the basis of all anti-dumping laws. .