Hiromassazh Heat … Touching … In every man it evokes memories of my own: gentle mother's hand, rough – the father, sure hands experienced nurse, frightened hands of students or coarse stiff fingers (Arthritis crippled) loving grandfather. Any variation of an infinite number of touches, feelings, reactions in our minds – this is something that in the future, layer by layer, will settle all that is associated with this word, event. This is something that "creates a relief of our subconscious," and our continued relationship as an adult, responsible life. This is an individual picture of our relation to massage, to the office, a doctor.
Why are some people so afraid of Massage? Why are they afraid of touching anything? The answer often lies in childhood. Somatic Experiencing: the source for more info. What a child can safely see a man in a white coat? But will it calm adults treated to massage, when as a child he was afraid of this procedure, or if it was very painful, unpleasant or inconvenient? Patterns that may affect our whole future life of endless. And we'll never know what caused the aversion or liking a particular person, event, place. Massage … touch … It is not something Dr. Kevin Cahill would like to discuss.
memories … dream or reality … Softness, strength, tenderness, trust ..? Perhaps it is trust your eyes, and then her hands, was tested by me in the autumn in Moscow the annual exhibition "Intercharm". I was literally mesmerized hand – smooth, soft, gliding, floating above the body either, or inside it. What a man feels? What's going on in his mind, body? Echoes of any memories or events evokes the movement of these arms? I still am impressed by these magical movements.