Dog ear channels are L shaped to protect the acute dogs hearing capabilities. This unusual shape is the nature’s way of protecting the eardrum. But this way is also the main reason why an ear infection is common in dogs. This is mainly due to the fact that the structure allows the ear mites, humidity, ear wax and the dirty accumulate. A yeast infection is indicated by a pardusco-rosada wax buildup. Mix acetic acid or white vinegar diluted with an equal amount of water and pour some drops in the ears of the dog. Massage the area gently, and then remove the wax loosened with a cotton swab. Do not use this remedy if there is an open ear sore wound.
Vinegar can probably irritate the dog. Use mineral oil, almond or olive oil with vitamin C to loosen the wax to clean it. When moisture and excessive Earwax accumulates in the ear, it can lead to severe ear infection, especially if there is also a predominance of dog ear mites. Conventional medications including antibiotics and antifungal drugs tend to weaken the immune system. natural remedies for dog ear mites, on the one hand, try to focus on the underlying cause without damaging other body functions. The Pau d arco, an herb that comes from the inner bark of a South American tree, is a natural antibiotic recommended for dogs. The dye of the Pau d bow with a little mineral oil will go a long way to removing the ear infection.
The adrenal glands play an important role in containing dogs ear infections. You can < a rel = nofollow onclick = javascript:_gaq. push(“_trackPageview”, “/outgoing/article_exit_link”); href = > improve the function of the adrenal glands giving a dose regulated vitamin C. keep an eye on the dog bowel movements and handle the dose so that it does not lead to diarrhea. A natural and healthy homemade diet is highly recommended to avoid harmful effects of commercial diets that use preservatives and synthetic additives. This will help eliminate toxins, shortens the production of wax and also supports the automatic inmunorespuestas. Breeds with long ears are at a greater risk of developing ear mites. Tie a band of the hand to allow the movement of outdoors into your ears, at least when the dog is inside. Adjust the hair regularly during the preparation to give an easy step to ventilate and dry thoroughly inner ear after a bath. Cat ear mites are less common mites of dog ear but the negligence in the preparation can even make rare conditions such as cat ear mites occur. The < a rel = nofollow onclick = javascript:_gaq. push(“_trackPageview”, “/outgoing/article_exit_link”); href = > ear infections usually affect the external ear and the proper preparation can take care of virtually all conditions. Without time to consult a specialist, however, if your dog is still scratching ears too. Too much scratching can lead to a rupture of a blood vessel and cause a hematoma that could block the ear completely. The inclination, clumsiness, walking in circles or slanted eyes, indicates inner ear infection and must attend a veterinarian.