Successfully outsource software development services of the Indian market offers great potential for outsourcing programming and support services German IT companies. How to this use and what need to consider companies with access to the Indian labour market highlights the seminar India4IT on 28 November 2013 in Endingen. The event is aimed at business leaders and executives from the IT industry. Hosts are the Customs and foreign trade expert BEO and the consultancy of Dr. Wamser + Batra. India4IT shows companies how they can get access to the Indian labour market. In the seminar of the day, all steps of a successful outsourcing of information technology business tasks are on the programme. The participants will learn how personnel by Germany from find and support can.
An important basis for this is the knowledge of Indian business practice and intercultural and communicative features. Practical examples illustrate how the outsourcing of software development services specifically may expire. In addition, the seminar offers tips and testimonials by management which are already active in India. BEO and Dr. Wamser respond with training + Batra on the growing demand of German companies for Indian professionals. Currently, we have a shortage of software professionals in Germany.
In India there are, however,”many highly trained IT professionals, describes Paresh Patel, head of southern Germany when Dr. Wamser + Batra, the situation. We help our customers to take advantage of this potential.” The individual fields of activity outsourcing offers companies a flexible way to deal with the demographic changes and increasing cost pressures in Germany. BEO is represented for 18 years in India and runs his own daughter company BEO Park. Also Dr. Wamser + Batra is active in India and advises companies that also want to gain a foothold in the country. More information about the seminar and the registration interested parties. : The event at a glance: 28 November 2013. 9:00 to 13:00 location: BEO Academy, Ensisheimer Strasse 6-8, 79346 Endingen speakers:-Dr. Johannes Wamser, Managing Director Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH – Paresh Patel, head of representative office in southern and southwestern Germany Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH – Swen Berbett, head of India outsourcing BEO GmbH BEO company that BEO GmbH with headquarters in Endingen Freiburg has specialized in software products and services in the areas of customs clearance and shipment processing. founded in 1987 by the Managing Director Clemens Sexauer, the company employs more than 120 employees at four locations. The product lines to customs, as well as to the preference determination and sanction inspection be adapted continuously to the current legal requirements and ensure legal certainty and the permanent compliance with current regulations and guidelines for users. For sending BEO software applications offered for the packaging, shipment, as well as the dangerous goods management. All software products of BEO are modular designed and both available as in-house as well as Web-based rental solutions (SaS). Dr. Wamser + Batra GmbH India experts India consultancy Dr. Wamser + Batra serves European companies on the way to India and support those who are working already for a long time on the ground. The cooperation usually extends over many years and accompanied the various stages of India’s commitment. With experts who have lived and collected there as a practical management experience comprehensive Europeans in senior positions in India, we develop tailor-made solutions protect companies facing critical situations and accompany them to sustainable success. Clemens Sexauer