High grade of purity of the oil used – a common requirement of modern hydraulic and lubrication systems. However, not all suppliers of oil to ensure a proper level of cleanliness, and this leads to the need perform additional cleaning before use. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dr. Mark Hyman offers on the topic.. Here are the middle classes purity of oils from different sources: fresh oil from a tanker: 16 cl. GOST 17216-2001; ISO 23/21/18; Fresh oil barrels from the standard 13 cl. GOST 17216-2001; ISO 20/18/15; Fresh from sealed cans of butter 11 cl. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. GOST 17216-2001; ISO 18/16/13; requirement for modern systems: 8-9 cells. GOST 17216-2001; ISO 16/14/11.
Comparative data show that the purchaser is an urgent need to bring the oil up required operational performance, as even minor contamination (5-15 microns) lead to increased wear of the elements of the hydraulics and internal leaks, failures in governance and jamming the valves. Major pollution – more than 15 microns – can provoke a sudden failure of the hydraulic components. In addition to mechanical impurities, particularly dangerous is the presence of water in oil – it is a consequence of corrosion, wear fast hydraulic elements, as well as accelerated aging oil. However, this is not a problem because there are high fixed and mobile filter systems that enable you to clean up oil to any desired purity level. This can prevent up to 90% of the costs associated with the poor condition of the working fluid, and significantly reduce downtime. Mobile filtration system allows to clean up the oil while filling the tank, wash it during launch, as well as a continuous circular filtering and removing water from oil. Very well, when mobile units are equipped with filter elements high dirt holding capacity, as it reduces maintenance costs. Stationary filter systems perform continuous removal of water and a continuous circulation of hydraulic filtration fluids.