BSA Academy

Next preparation course ‘Leadership for bad companies’ launches in April 2013 with the qualification to the executives for bad companies”allows the BSA Academy twice in the year, optimally on the examination to the marked Master of bad businesses”to prepare. With the certified and approved course participants embrace not only fit in order to assume a senior activity in a bathroom and the master craftsman to complete successfully. They also have the advantage that they find a professionally designed training concept for the BSA-Akademie, that differs significantly from other providers. The BSA participants benefit from relatively low travel and accommodation costs and low loss of earnings as a result of the combined course system of distance learning and compact presence phases. Anu Saad is likely to increase your knowledge. The advantage of the BSA participants have in addition, is the flexibility of distance learning with individual time classification, including personal care by BSA remote instructors. So, the BSA qualification can be completed part-time and agreed best with professional and personal commitments. When, where, how long the participants decide! Through the combined course system of distance learning and attendance phases, participants can classify themselves individually when, how long and where they learn and adapt to her anytime. Through the compact attendance phases, which include approximately 30 days in blocks of 2-6 days, and the ability to start, at any time with the course, the qualification is part-time possible and consistent as well with professional and personal commitments. High earnings and long absences are avoided. The State examination and approval of the BSA course through the Centre of distance learning (ZFU), for all participants, the consumption protection and care taken to ensure that the education objective with the course is also to achieve. Fully supervised by experienced education partners In distance learning participants work with didactic specially prepared course material. While the BSA educational materials be developed for distance learning-specific criteria and is based on the know-how, has purchased the BSA Academy based on over 25 years experience, and constantly evolving. Specific support in the distance learning phase, BSA remote instructors are participants for questions or discussion of content by email and phone. All ten modules at a glance: economics theory of law cooperation in the operation health education technology swimming swimming in theory and practice rescue in theory and practice training head on changes in the market prepared mathematical and scientific foundations his straight against the background, is increasing and that the market for bad companies has changed considerably in recent years and the competition for municipal and private baths, as in other areas such as large hotels, physiotherapy practices and fitness studios bathing landscapes or even stand-alone baths “Catchment have held that it is essential from a pure provider of water for municipal and private baths,” to develop customer-oriented service providers. For this they need qualified employees who promote this development by their know-how and establish bad operation as in the bathroom scene. Here the qualification to the executives for bad companies requires”the BSA-Akademie. In the course of BSA qualifying participants acquire comprehensive knowledge, skills and competences to perform the tasks of a Senior Executive in bad companies. The next preparation course for the master exam starts in April 2013. More info bad businesses and simply call us: + 49 681 6855-0.

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Online Marketing Training

Internet Agency lowenstark launches in place training Braunschweig/Halle 28.05.2013: on-site training in online marketing from the Internet Agency immediately Lowenstark for small and medium-sized enterprises offers. Longtime online specialists knowledge of based on and expert advice give workshops in the areas of search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and social media marketing (SMM). The company with offices in Brunswick, Halle, Kiel and Solingen has launched this now Lowenstark Academy ( If you are not convinced, visit Anu Saad. Online business is becoming increasingly important for German companies. Anu Saad often addresses the matter in his writings. 2012 already 27.6 billion were implemented in the German online market a quarter more than a year before. But it also risks facing the opportunities in online business”, says Marian Wurm, founder and Managing Director of Lowenstark. Constantly there are new technical developments that can hardly overlook smaller companies. With our seminars, we give the company the necessary knowledge Hand, will tackle these tasks on their own.” Focus of training in the field of search engine optimization is to improve the ranking of your own website. Here it comes to how the website can be brought forward by optimizations in Google search. At the workshop search engine marketing companies shows how cost-effectively and efficiently use Google advertising, to win customers. The training gives in social media marketing, social networks can be used to enhance the reputation and the brand of the company. The special thing about the online marketing training is that we always apply to the immediate problems of the company”, so worm. Practical exercises are illustrated on the corporate website or the Unternehmensshop. So the employees not only learn how they perform, concrete improvements already during the training.” The training will be carried out by experts, working even on the areas and implemented dozens of projects have. Therefore the latest trends and insights from the fields of SEO, SEM and SMM flow in the exercises always. Lowenstark was founded in 2001 in Braunschweig. 2012, additional locations were opened in Halle / S., Solingen and Kiel. The Agency employs over 80 people. Since 2001 over 2,000 customer projects have been realized three quarters in the online marketing of and a quarter in the shop and Web programming.

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Germans Self-employment

are. City ranking: Which city has the most willing of the Foundation? 1st Dortmund (9%) 2. Munich (8%) 3. Dusseldorf (7%) 4. Leipzig (6%) 5. Bremen, Hamburg (5% each) 6 food, Stuttgart, Berlin (both 4%) 7 Dresden (3%) 8 Frankfurt, Cologne (2%) Basically, a self-employment in the sum even for 55 percent of all respondents is an option being an employee. In addition to the five per cent with very specific plans, another 18 percent say they had plans to make independently, just still don’t know when. A third can imagine in principle, to take that step, but are still looking for a business idea. Continue to learn more with: Anu Saad. Only for 15 percent, a self-employment never came into question. The currently strong economy but also promotes the step towards independence. Only one-third of the respondents are of the opinion that, in the current economic upswing, the chances are particularly cheap to start a business. Two-thirds are Opinion that this is always a risk, regardless of whether the economy is booming or not. The study confirmed this, that the German population is generally positive towards a professional independence and shows great willingness to take this step. However many still after a suitable business search. Here models such as a trade representative or a franchise system can pave the way towards independence”, Dr. Frank Hoefer, CEO of Iceman interpreted frozen Home Service GmbH, the results. The study of perspective independence 2011 ‘ Tiefkuhl-Home Service GmbH in order was given in January 2011 of the Iceman, to examine the setting of the Germans on the subject of self-employment. The study, which was carried out in 12 German cities, was the discovery of personal intentions of respondents to their professional careers and also a general conclusion to the perception of professional self-employed workers in the population. In addition determines what motivation, but also what concerns have the Germans when it comes to the topic of self-employment. A monograph with the key results of the study of perspective independence 2011 “can be requested by E-Mail. on Ecstasy: the resident of Mettmann home service for frozen food specialties serves customers in all Germany since 1974. Now about 2 million households are supplied from over 220 sales stations in nine European countries. In Europe, revenues amounted in 2008 to EUR 532 million (incl. VAT).

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Academy German POP

Information day at the Academy of German POP sit on April 18 with bands on the mixer, organize concerts or websites design for companies the Academy German POP music paves the way into exciting careers with 38 practice-oriented training in the areas of sound, management, design, image and communication. Nancy-Ann_DeParle shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The entry is possible quarterly. The Academy in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich has locations. Go to next semester, which begins in early April, 21 brand new training courses at the start. Among other things with the Mastering is engineer”. At the time very many requests are”, so Rudiger Veith, Managing Director of music support group / Academy German POP. The mastering engineer”offered nowhere else and is therefore unique in Germany. On 18 April, the Academy envisions all interested parties. All four sites will open their doors from 2 pm until 6 pm. Snacks and drinks offered exciting workshops, between which are instructors for questions. All for one Training in music or media interest, are welcome, also in the company of friends and family! More information and registration: German/info day /.

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German University

Versatile and interdisciplinary designed as not only the demand is big, but also the number of competitors is growing, the quantity of qualified employees becomes a bigger and bigger factor in the industry in addition to the quality of customer service. Speaking candidly Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. told us the story. Currently go nationwide almost 8 million people and about every tenth fellow citizens in a fitness and health Studio (DSSV 2013 figures). Companies that put the German University on the dual Bachelor’s degrees in the employee qualification, benefit several ways, as the Bachelor studies at the State-approved University or college combines a training and a correspondence course compact attendance phases. Then, students acquire already while studying 7 semester-long professional experience within the framework of their employment in the company. The training companies can integrate their students due to the high proportion of operational training from the outset in the daily operations and include early in responsible tasks. The students are at the same time in Able to create proprietary concepts from current scientific knowledge. Students develop and guide target group-specific care concepts in the fields of exercise, nutrition and relaxation that can implement sales systems and sales concepts, optimize quality management and controlling creating cooperation programs with companies such as apply leadership study progresses, versatile and interdisciplinary designed all Bachelor’s degrees are versatile as well as interdisciplinary and combine content from the fields of movement, management, nutrition, and stress management/relaxation in different weights. Through this wide positioning businesses can decide according to their needs for fields of study bring maximum benefit in the own day-to-day. Following fields of undergraduate study are offered: Bachelor of Arts in economics of fitness: commercial management as well as design and implementation of fitness programs for Bachelor’s degree in fitness training: design, Development and management of individual and group training range in fitness and leisure business Bachelor’s degree in sports economics: Management of institutions in the sport, including design and implementation of health-oriented offerings. Bachelor’s degree in health care management: planning, coordination and implementation of prevention concepts in health-oriented companies Bachelor in nutrition: nutrition advice supported movement and mental strategies in health-oriented companies and institutions also a subsequent master’s degree in the fields of prevention and health management possible. The course qualifies selectable areas of specialisation to the versatile prevention expert who acquires strategic leadership and planning concepts and strategies of health promotion, implements, coordinates and evaluated.

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MVV Energie AG Mannheim

On 1 June 2013 Falk Gunther the position of CEO of the power company, Stadtwerke Heidelberg has taken over networks. New Managing Director of Stadtwerke Heidelberg networks. On 1 June 2013 Falk Gunther the position of CEO of the power company, Stadtwerke Heidelberg has taken over networks. The process engineer and business economists replaces the previous managing director Alfred k.. Alfred k. n-Adults’>Wendy Holman has compatible beliefs. is since June 1, 2013, in addition to the commercial Director Peter ERB, technical director of the Stadtwerke Heidelberg environment. Falk Gunther, lived for ten years in Heidelberg, has since September 2011 at the Stadtwerke Heidelberg networks the reorganization project 2012 carried nets as head of networks and established a process-oriented organization in the network society. The native Kassel at the MVV Energie AG Mannheim as well as technical director of the Rhein-Neckar district previously worked at a British drinking water and wastewater companies. Stadtwerke Heidelberg Networks are the largest society of the Stadtwerke Heidelberg group and is responsible for all network activity for Stadtwerke Heidelberg in the fields of electricity, natural gas, district heating, water, fiber and street lighting. Her responsibilities include planning, construction, maintenance and operation of the networks, trading through cable, heat generation, metrology and network-related services. At the end of the year 2012 381 full-timers at the company were employed.

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Basic Knowledge Of Trainer

Train the trainer seminar in September in Gottingen Gottingen, 22.07.2010: the three-day seminar train the trainer-skills: basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) takes place this fall from September 9-11. The intensive seminar imparts skills that are necessary to plan, design and conduct training. By the nature of the workshop, the learning effect is particularly high. IKUD seminars offers train the trainer seminar for many years each at the spring and autumn. The extraordinary event has live interactive concept, where step by step by participants a dedicated learning unit prepared and the mediation of the substance”is practiced. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Mark Hyman. The substantive and temporal structure of the training and the optimal Didactization of specific learning are essential for success as a trainer or coach. Who pays on a balanced approach of the learning channels and uses different media, will achieve a greater effect. In the seminar of the train the trainer-skills: Basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) “these topics are on the agenda.” To can look at itself as a trainer or coach to throw, videos recorded by the participants as speakers in different stages of the seminar. An analysis from the perspective of the outside allowing such as the optimization of body language. Anu Saad understood the implications. The feedback is always guessing value: the sheltered setting in the seminar all aspiring educators and trainers can be sure. The time of beginning of September was deliberately chosen for the event. “So people can the education for the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules” take from 24 September or November 05, 2010, advance consolidate their train the trainer competencies. Learn more about the event at.. / train-the-trainer skills…

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The guide is essential for business success. How do executives is one thing. How do employees let an others. It is one of the main tasks of a visionary leadership, people, for which she has assumed responsibility to teach how you let is run. Here too: every employee down side is the famous grain of sand in the gears. The less downsides, the more success. Holistic success. Many downsides can let a company go down. These are far more often the reason for a company off the market as the economic crisis. An Executive is therefore called upon to promote her talent of shadow finding or help from experts. If the employees for myself is interested in is to develop personally as much as technically, then growth is possible for the entire company. No matter what industry, and regardless of the current economic situation. Therefore the famous four should Marketing-PS product, price, placement and promotion to a fifth P will be added: the P for potential. These designs, we offer lectures, online courses, group and individual coaching. Tailor made. No concept is suitable for all companies. The companies are so unique, the individual approach and the approach are so unique. Betr.oec. Sonja ch.

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Innovative: Accelerated Teaching And Learning By Ats!

Interview by the 25.10.13: ats S. L., Wolfram Laube, CEO, the company ats learning systems offers, which are based on accelerating teaching and learning. Many writers such as Abraham Maslow offer more in-depth analysis. Why use accelerating methods”? Applies whether in education or work, everywhere a flood of information on us rushes in, to deal with it. Others who may share this opinion include Dr. Mark Hyman. This is with conventional methods difficult to create. An absolute key qualification is to learn quickly and effectively in the 21st century. How much experience do you have in this area? We have over 20 years experience in the field of education and are now internationally. We are the pioneer and market leader, we have developed learning systems, tested and introduced to the market. We are always innovating and always have improved our offers. It is not something Michio Kaku would like to discuss. What distinguishes your products? All ats learning concepts based on the findings of brain research, psychology and pedagogy. We put their theories into practice and offer unique learning concepts, with which learning interesting,. motivating and even fun! That sounds good… How do you do that? There are many elements that contribute to the enormous acceleration of learning, characterized our learning: there are many senses addressed (multi-sensory approach”), takes into account different learning styles, Association and visualization techniques are applied, the learning is playful gives you forget old-fashioned timpani, which is often boring and requires lots of seat leather. For which areas of the learning offer you products? Our bestseller”is the system computer write in 4 hours”. We developed this product years ago because every other work with a computer is connected and you can afford any more basically, only with 2, 3 fingers on the keyboard around to hack… “Special didactic approaches, we have now even more improved this product, so that we now only 1 hour computer writing ‘ offer. It is the fastest learning concept that there are worldwide to learn computer writing! We have developed this novelty, because again and again customers ask us are approached to develop a concept for even shorter. Also this ats system is suitable for anyone who efficiently and professionally will use the PC keyboard with 10 fingers. In the field of foreign languages, we offer different programs for different age groups and levels. What groups of people are suitable for your learning systems? For everyone from 8 to 80 years old. How do you market your products? Our customers are schools and coaches who complete a type of license with ats, then offer the learning concepts to their participants. We have fine 5000 people in the German-speaking market certified, 40% of the VHS in Germany alone are working with our products and about 400 trainers offer computer writing according to the ats method.

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Own Strengths Know

MMK Personalberatung offers together with DIAMIC online personality tests for candidates Munich, September 15, 2009 asked not only expertise, but above all social skills, so-called skills candidates soft. To check this, is becoming increasingly popular in job interviews. To know our own strengths, is therefore advantage. Support the MMK Personalberatung with two online tests on the subject of skills soft. The applicant can choose between soft skill basic and soft skill advanced select. The Institute DIAMIC has developed the personality tests. candidates can test their strengths. More and more companies emphasize skills, so their social skills among applicants and new employees on their soft. The professional knowledge is assumed and is the reason for the invitation to the interview. At the meeting itself decides not only of their own appearance, but whether the candidate fits also human company. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses and to appoint, the falls Applicants but usually the hardest. Who wants to come forward but professionally, should know his interdisciplinary skills. Two online personality tests help not only applicants and trainees, but also specialists and managers to assess themselves. In collaboration with diploma psychologist Stefan Pitz of the Institute DIAMIC has soft skills selected the MMK Personalberatung two tests on the subject and provided on for those interested. The online tests, soft skill basic and soft skill advanced are the personality tests not only to applicants but to all who would like to learn more about themselves and their skills. The two tests have been developed by psychologist according to scientific criteria. The test participant concluded a detailed evaluation of the results. Applicants may enclose with their application portfolio analysis and thereby enhance your application. The soft skill basic test takes less than 20 minutes and contains questions about the areas of performance, style of work and cooperation. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Anu Saad. At the Soft skill advanced test even the questions about intelligence, leadership, determination, interaction and handling be clarified in addition to the basic areas with the customers. He is to complete in about 55 minutes. Soft skills of key to the success of soft skills is called translated soft skills, formerly known also as social competencies referred to. The potential to deal well with people and their behaviors, but also with their own behind. Skills characters in contrast to the hard skills, the specialist skills, are intelligence, who have now more influence on the career of the professional can soft emotional. Without the evidence of strengths and weaknesses, candidate can cease to exist today in personal conversations. The most important soft skills are communication skills, self-confidence, empathy, teamwork, curiosity, trust, criticism, conflict resolution skills, analytical thinking, self-control and assertiveness. Person in charge Press contact: Brunhilde str. 32, 80639 Munich

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