Trainer Contracts

Reasons to contract a Personal Trainer the personal to trainer is the professional of physical education that prescribes physical exercises of personalized form, aiming at the increase of the physical conditioning, quality of life and health of its customer. The personal to trainer if differentiates of the professor of the musculao room, for the amount of taken care of customers and the offered quality. Bigger accompaniment of the training? Otimizao of the training? Constant postural correction? Orientation on the exercise of intense form? Bigger motivation? Bigger adhesion? Potencializados results The training is optimized by a bigger frequency to the training and a bigger adhesion of the customer to the training, having potencializando the results. Reduction of % of fat, increase of the muscular mass, control of the glicemia, among others objective control of the cholesterol are reached. The personal to trainer obtains to have the control of a bigger number of 0 variable, being made with that the success probability increases. Therefore not it loses time and it contracts already its personal to trainer, not forgetting to verify the formation of the professional and its register in the Regional Advice of Physical Education..