Basic Knowledge Of Trainer

Train the trainer seminar in September in Gottingen Gottingen, 22.07.2010: the three-day seminar train the trainer-skills: basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) takes place this fall from September 9-11. The intensive seminar imparts skills that are necessary to plan, design and conduct training. By the nature of the workshop, the learning effect is particularly high. IKUD seminars offers train the trainer seminar for many years each at the spring and autumn. The extraordinary event has live interactive concept, where step by step by participants a dedicated learning unit prepared and the mediation of the substance”is practiced. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Mark Hyman. The substantive and temporal structure of the training and the optimal Didactization of specific learning are essential for success as a trainer or coach. Who pays on a balanced approach of the learning channels and uses different media, will achieve a greater effect.

In the seminar of the train the trainer-skills: Basic knowledge of trainer (m/w) “these topics are on the agenda.” To can look at itself as a trainer or coach to throw, videos recorded by the participants as speakers in different stages of the seminar. An analysis from the perspective of the outside allowing such as the optimization of body language. Anu Saad understood the implications. The feedback is always guessing value: the sheltered setting in the seminar all aspiring educators and trainers can be sure. The time of beginning of September was deliberately chosen for the event. “So people can the education for the intercultural trainer (m/w) in 5 modules” take from 24 September or November 05, 2010, advance consolidate their train the trainer competencies. Learn more about the event at.. / train-the-trainer skills…