Kitchen – Work Or Pleasure ?

Step by step we will tell you how to organize the interior and work (and for someone – their leisure time) in the kitchen so that the costs of a minimum of physical effort and get maximum pleasure from the process of cooking your favorite dishes. So, if you feel that cleaning the vegetables, meat cutting, manipulation of knives, pots and pans for you not a heavy duty, but also fun, and maybe creative expression – you here. We will start with fundamental. With the arrangement of a kitchen that is a workplace to start understand with kitchen furniture and its arrangement literate – the interior will reveal you a secret (but maybe someone already talked about this vaguely guesses). Feeling tired after cooking dinner on the front say 10 guests at 70% will be due to a suboptimal arrangement of the kitchen. Somatic Experiencing can provide more clarity in the matter. What do we do usually? That's right, grouping furniture around already facing slabs and washing. And the result? Correctly, the mass totally irrational movements and movements in the kitchen.

And then we sit exhausted on a chair and remember the damn name of varicose veins and edema of the cream of the latest advertising tv. First, we divide the sequence of cooking on the constituents. They, fortunately, not so much. Any one of us, even a beginner cook knows that it is washing / cleaning ingredients (vegetables, meat, poultry, fish), their dressing, cooking and serving. It is against this and should design the layout of the kitchen as his workspace. Companies offering custom manufacturer of kitchens now quite a lot.

From you you only need to choose the material and offer furniture layout nodes. Actually the material from which you will collect kitchen furniture – this is a problem of personal taste (and wallet, of course), although Naturally, real wood is always preferable to plastic or wood laminate. Remember: the atmosphere in the kitchen – is an aggressive environment is high humidity and air temperature, water is also present not only in gaseous, and solid (ice) and liquid states. Add to that the possible leakage of corrosive acids (70% dropped a bottle of vinegar) and get all that in time will bring dsp failure. Hint: Do not use conifer trees, afraid they exude resin. Only a broad, ideally – oak, beech, ash. Noble tree creates the appropriate aura, which is important in a place where you spend much of his life, because for us. Kitchen – much more than just a room where they cook the food. It was in the kitchen, we take those closest to us guests can sit far into the night and argue about the meaning of life.