4. heart – and vascular day in Cologne-Porz informed about recent advances in medicine Cologne. Hope 1.5 million people in Germany: with a new compound for the prevention of stroke experts promise since this year a better care for patients with heart rhythm disorders as common resources such as Marcumar. But what’s really behind the new active ingredient? Responses will be Prof. Dr. Marc Horlitz, Chief of cardiology at the Hospital of Porz am Rhein, exclusively within the framework of the 4th Palmer heart and vessel day; the entrance on Saturday, September 24, 2011, 10 to approx. 14 o’clock, is free of charge. “The new active ingredient has significant advantages over conventional preparations depending on the dosage”, as Prof.
Horlitz. The heart specialist and initiator of the event in his presentation will explain what they are. “Visitors to our heart – and vascular day know prepared after our talks much more about your risk for a heart attack or stroke, and thus for a healthy future.” For Prof. Karim is the information in the first place. Finally everyone to the heart patients could be. As long as patients and their families but put their health by waiting or hesitation on the line, even the best possible medical care could help limited. Rheumatism affects negatively on the risk of heart attack with his Chief colleagues from the Hospital of Porz am Rhein is Prof. Horlitz inform modern treatment of heart and vascular disease, which just recently remarkable progress as a result.
For example, important findings in the correlation between rheumatism and heart, beyond the Priv.-Doz. there. Dr. med. John Strunk, chief physician who will speak Rheumatology at the Hospital of Porz am Rhein. CT recording from the heart with minimal radiation usage also narrowed neck arteries, hypertension and varicose veins will be topics of the expert presentations. Also Prof. Dr. is. Dieter Beyer, Chief of Radiology at hospital Porz am Rhein, about the new possibilities of the heart and vascular diagnosis by cardio-CT enlighten. The radiation exposure for a shot from the heart of 90% can be reduced thanks to the new high-tech device “Aquillion one volume-CT”. Patients from all over Germany come to Porz and examined by Prof. Beyer. Save the date: 4th heart and vessel day in Cologne-Porz district Rathaus in Cologne-Porz, Town Hall and Foyer Saturday, September 24, 2011, start: 10: 00, entrance free questions? Chief Physician Prof. Dr. med. Marc Horlitz, Tel. 02203-566 1471, E-mail: